We Are Fighting Together!
Minnesota’s 2018 elections are incredibly important for ALL working people if we want to preserve our freedoms and fight for a better life. In June the Supreme Court issued a decision in the Janus v AFSCME case that is nothing more than an attack on working people. Right to Work threatens our freedom to join together as working people and fight for what we deserve! This year, Local 17 members will need to stand together to keep our strong contracts and to educate others around us about the importance of those contracts how the Union works for all of us.
Election season is heating up and soon we will begin making phone calls, knocking doors and talking to our co-workers about the upcoming election. Your new Union leadership will be making every effort to get all of Local 17’s members involved in our Democracy. For the first time in many, many years we will be in shops with voting information! At our member picnic (August 22nd) we will be registering members to vote and have signups for Election Volunteer shifts.
Please come to the picnic, and learn how you can fight to protect your freedom, pay and benefits!